Sunday, January 26, 2020
System Analysis And Design Soccer Club Database Computer Science Essay
System Analysis And Design Soccer Club Database Computer Science Essay The aim of this project is to design and implement the database application to replace the current paper system of the Soccer Club. This is the objective of system. The committee of Soccer club wants to use this system for member registration, fee payment, creation of matches list, set up the training sessions, publishes the result of each game. The coaches want to use this system to allocation of team. c) A Data Flow Diagram for the system including: (12 marks) à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Process descriptions 1. Register Membership, when public want to join the membership, the committee of Soccer club will provide the application from to public, and check the application from is complete or not. And verified their ID and contact address. If the information is correct. Then will collect the membership fee and create the membership card to the member. And the information of the member will keep in the member table table. 2. Team allocation, the coach will get the playing members information from the member table table. And the coach will select the compatible member into the on game list. This is use to join the game of League and Cup. And also will update the information of the team to the Team table table. For example select the captain of the team. 3. Plan Training Session, the Soccer club have hold a number of training sessions, the training session is lead by international player. When the committee of Soccer club setting up the training sessions, they need to connect with international player for lead the session. And the international player needs to confirm to lead the sessions. The data of international player is store in international player table table and the data of training session is store in Training table table. 4. Create fixture lists, when the Soccer club joins the game of league competition and cup competition. The league competition and cup competition will collect other 15 teams and provide the fixture list to the Soccer club. The committee of Soccer club need to publish this fixture list to the public, let them know the home team, away team, match address, match day and time. This data will store in Fixture list and result table. In this fixture list we also will know which team will join the league and cup. Other Soccer teams information will store in Other teams table table. 5. Publish result, all the result of the matches, will be provide from the league competition and cup competition. The result of Soccer club and other teams also need to collect. This data will store in the result table table, they will publish the result to the public. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Data store contents 1. Member Detail, This is the table of members information. It include the field: Member_ID, Name, Date_of_Birth, Membership_type, Phone, Address, Email, user_ID, Team_ID, On_game_list, Committee_ID 2. Team Detail, This is the table o f Soccer Cups Team. It include the field: Team_ID, Coach_ID, Captain_Member_ID, Vice_Captain_Member_ID, Team_Name, Member_ID 3. International Player Detail: This is the table of international players information, this table include the field: Player_ID, Phone, Address, Email, Salary, user_ID 4. Training Detail, this is the table of Trainings information, it include this field: Session_ID, Name, Player_ID, Player_Name, session_open_day, Address, time, total_hour, Session_Fee, Committee_ID 5. Other_Teams Detail, this is the table of other teams information which team are join the match with Soccer club. This table include the field: Other_team_ID, Name 6. Fixture Lists and result Detail, this is table of the match list and the result of the match. This table include the field: Match_ID, Team_ID, Other_team_ID, Match_address, Date, Time, Team_score, Other_team_score à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ External entity definitions 1. Member of Public, this is the people who join the Soccer club membership and they have been pay the membership fee every year. They can be playing members or simply social members. 2. Coach and International player, this is the people who responsible for training and selecting the team. And they also make the arrangements for travelling to matches at other Soccer club. And the international player is the trainer of open training session. 3. Committee, this is the people who responsible for organizing open training sessions, inviting international players to lead the sessions, advertising the training sessions and determining and collecting the fee for such sessions. And they also need to collect and publish the matches result. 4. League and cup, this is the local league competition and local cup competition, the Soccer join the match by this two competitions. They provide the matches result and the fixture lists to the Soccer club. Task 2 Create a data model detailing the data structure required to support the information and process requirements of the soccer club system including: a) An Entity Relationship Diagram for the system. (6 marks) b) Entity descriptions for all entities in the diagram. (4 marks) 1. User 2. Coach 3. Member 4. Team 5. Position 6. Committee 7. Other team 8. Training 9. Fixture List and Result 10. International Player 11. Training Student 12. Student c) Appropriate attributes for all entities including primary and foreign keys. (5 marks) 1. Entity: User Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table for the User login ID and password. The user of this system will use the information of this table to login. Attributes: User_ID, User_Login, Password, Group Primary Key: User_ID 2. Entity: Coach Object Type: Relation Description: The coachs personal information which system need are store in this table. Attribute: Coach_ID, Name, Address, Phone, Email, User_ID Primary Key: Coach_ID Foreign Key: User_ID references to User table. 3. Entity: Member Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store members record. Attribute: Member_ID, Name, ID_card_number, Date_of_birth, Membership_type, Phone, Address, Email, User_ID, On_game_list Primary Key: Member_ID Foreign Key: User_ID references to User table table. Foreign Key: Committee_ID references to Committee table 4. Entity: Team Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store Soccer club player teams record. Attribute: Team_ID, Coach_ID, Captain_Member_ID, Vice_Captain_Member_ID, Team_Name, Member_ID Primary Key: Team_ID Foreign Key: Coach_ID references to Coach table. Foreign Key: Member_ID references to Member table. 5. Entity: Position Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the position of committees record. Attribute: Position_ID, Position_name Primary Key: Position_ID 6. Entity: Committee Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the committee record. Attribute: Committee_ID, Team_ID, Position_ID Primary Key: Committee_ID Foreign Key: Team_ID reference to Team table. Foreign Key: Position_ID reference to Position table. 7. Entity: Other Team Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the record of other Soccer team which will match with Soccer Clubs team. Attribute: Other_team_ID, Name Primary Key: Other_team_ID 8. Entity: Training Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the open training sessions record. Attribute: Session_ID, Name, Player_ID, Player_Name, Session_open_day, Address, Time, Total_hour, Session_Fee, Committee_ID Primary Key: Session_ID Foreign Key: Player_ID references to International Player. Foreign Key: Committee_ID references to Committee. 9. Entity: Fixture Lists and Result Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the record of fixture Lists and the match result. Attribute: Match_ID, Team_ID, Other_team_ID, Match_address, Date, Time, Team_score, Other_team_score Primary Key: Match_ID Foreign Key: Team_ID references to Team table. Foreign Key: Other_team_ID references to Other team table. 10. Entity: International Player Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the record of international player. The international player is the trainer of open training session. Attribute: Player_ID, Phone, Address, Email, Salary, User_ID Primary Key: Player_ID Foreign Key: User_ID references to User table. 11. Entity: Training Student Object Type: Relation Description: This is the link entity of Training table and Student table. Because one student can join many training session and one training session can have many students. So we need to use link entity to resolve this many to many relationship. Attribute: Training_studnet_ID, Session_ID, ID_card_Number Primary key: Traininig_student_ID Foreign Key: Session_ID references to Training table. Foreign Key: ID_card_number references to Student table. 12. Entity: Student Object Type: Relation Description: This is a table to store the record of student. Attribute: ID_card_number, Name, Phone, Address, Email Primary Key: ID_card_number d) Relationships detailing optionality and degree of relationships between entities. (5 marks) 1. Relationship ID: R1 Name: Coach table to User table Object Type: Relationship Description: Each coach has only one unique User_ID Cardinality: one to one, Coach table is the one side. One User_ID only belong to one coach. User table also is the one side. One coach only has one unique User_ID. Optional: Coach table is the optional side. A user may be not a coach. User table is the mandatory side. A coach must be a user. 2. Relationship ID: R2 Name: International Player table to User table Object Type: Relationship Description: Each international player has one unique User_ID Cardinality: one to one International Player table is the one side. One User_ID only can belong to one international player. User table also is the one side. One international player only has one User_ID. Optional: International Player table is the optional side. A user may be not a international player. User table is the mandatory side. A international player must be a user. 3. Relationship ID: R3 Name: Member table to User table Object Type: Relationship Description: Each member has one unique user_ID. Cardinality: one to one Member table is the one side. One User_ID only belong to one member. User table is the one side. One member only can have one User_ID. Optional: Member table is the optional side. A use may be not a member. User table is the mandatory side. A member must be a user. 4. Relationship ID: R4 Name: Member table to Team table Object Type: Relationship Description: Member belongs to Ruby Clubs team. Cardinality: many to one Member table is the many side. One team can have many members. Team table is the one side. One member only can belong one team. Optional: Member table is the optional side. A team may be not has any member. Team table is the optional side. A member may be not belongs to any team. 5. Relationship ID: R5 Name: Team table to Coach table Object Type: Relationship Description: Each team must have a coach. Cardinality: one to one Team table is the one side. One coach only can belong one team. Coach table is the one side. One team only can have one coach. Optional: Team table is the optional side. A coach can have any team to lead. Coach table is the mandatory side. A team must have a coach. 6. Relationship ID: R6 Name: Member table to Committee table Object Type: Relationship Description: Some member is the committee of Soccer Club. Cardinality: many to one Member table is the many side. One committee position can belong to many members. Committee table is the one side. One member only can have one committee position. Optional: Member table is the mandatory side. A committee position must belong to member. Committee table is the optional side. A member may be not have a committee position. 7. Relationship ID: R7 Name: Position table to Committee table Object Type: Relationship Description: Each committee member of Soccer Club has a position. Cardinality: one to many Position table is the one side. One committee members only can have one position. Committee table is the many side. One position only can belong to many committee members. Optional: Position table is the mandatory side. A committee must have a position. Committee table is the optional side. A position may be not belongs to any committee member. 8. Relationship ID: R8 Name: Team table to Committee table Object Type: Relationship Description: Every committee member belongs to their team of Soccer Club. Cardinality: one to many Team table is the one side. One committee member only belong one team. Committee table is the many side. One team can have many committee members. Optional: Team table is the mandatory side. Every committee member must belong to a team. Committee table is the optional side. A team may be not has any committee member. 9. Relationship ID: R9 Name: Team table to Fixture List and Result table Object Type: Relationship Description: The team of Soccer Club will have match will other team. Cardinality: one to many Team table is the one side. One match only can join with one Soccer club team and one other team. Fixture List and Result table is the many side. One team can has many matches to play. Optional: Team table is the mandatory side. The match must have Soccer clubs team. Fixture List and Result table is optional side. A team may be not has any match. 10. Relationship ID: R10 Name: Other Team table to Fixture List and Result table Object Type: Relationship Description: Some member is the committee of Soccer Club. Cardinality: one to many Other Team table is the one side. One match only can join with one Soccer club team and one other team. Fixture List and Result table is the many side. One other team can have many matches to play. Optional: Team table is the mandatory side. The match must have Soccer clubs team. Fixture List and Result table is the optional side. A team may be not has any match. 11. Relationship ID:R11 Name: Committee table to Training table Object Type: Relationship Description: Committee member with responsibility for this open training session. Cardinality: many to one Committee table is the one side. One session will lead by one committee member. Training table is the many side. One committee member can lead many training session. Optional: Committee table is the mandatory side. The training session must lead by committee member and international player. Training table is the optional side. A committee member may be not lead any open training session. 12. Relationship ID:R12 Name: International Player table to Training table Object Type: Relationship Description: International player with responsibility for this open training session. Cardinality: many to one International Player table is the one side. One session will lead by one international player. Training table is the many side. One international player can lead many training session. Optional: Committee table is the mandatory side. The training session must lead by committee member and international player. Training table is the optional side. A international player may be not lead any open training session. 13. Relationship ID:R13 Name: Training Student table to Training table Object Type: Relationship Description: It is a link entity to solve the many to many relationship of Training table and Student table. It break it to two one to many relationships. Cardinality: many to one Training Student table is the many side. Training table is one the side. Optional: Training Student table is the mandatory side. Training table is the mandatory side. 14. Relationship ID:R14 Name: Training Student table to Student table Object Type: Relationship Description: It is a link entity to solve the many to many relationship of Training table and Student table. It break to two one to many relationships. Cardinality: many to one Training Student table is the many side. Student table is the one side. Optional: Training Student table is the mandatory side. The student must take training session, if not take the training session, only is public not student. Student table is the mandatory side. Task 3 Create an Entity Life History for a training session. First is Join Member stage, then Member Amendment is the second stage, this stage can be repeat. And under this stage have three options, Change Membership Type, Change Personal table and Do nothing. Finish this stage will become to Membership Overdue stage. This is the third stage of member. It has two options, Pay membership fee and Resign Member. If choose Pay member fee, then will back to the Member Amendment, and if choose Resign Member, then will become the last stage of member Delete Member. This is the end of this entity. Task 4 Create a database design for the soccer club system including: a) A set of tables identifying primary and foreign keys.(10 marks) User (User_ID, password, Group) Coach (Coach_ID, Name, Address, Phone, Email, User_ID) Team (Team_ID, Coach_ID, Captain_Member_ID, Vice_Captain_Member_ID, Team Name) Member (Member_ID, Name, ID_card_num,ber, Date_of_birth, Membership_Type, Phone, Address, Email, User_ID, On_game_list, Committee_ID, Team_ID) Position (Position_ID, Position_name) Committee (Committee_ID, Team_ID, Position_ID) Other team (Other_team_ID, Name) Fixture List and Result (Match_ID, Team_ID, Other_team_ID, Match_address, Date, Time, Team_score, Other_team_score) Training (Session_ID, Session_Name, Player_ID, Session_open_day, Address, Time, Total_hour, Session_Fee, Committee_ID) International Player (Player_ID, Player_Name, Phone, Address, Email, Salary, User_ID) Training Student (Training_student_ID, Session_ID, ID_card_number) Student (ID_card_number, Name, Phone, Address, Email) b) Data Dictionary entries for all items included in the database design. (10 marks) Table Name: User Table Type: Entity Description: It contains users detail. This is a table that includes all users password and login name. Data Field Name Format Key User_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key User_LOGIN VARCHAR(20) Password VARCHAR(15) Group VARCHAR(15) Table Name: Coach Table Type: Entity Description: It contains coachs detail. This is a table that includes the personal information of coach. Data Field Name Format Key Coach_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Name VARCHAR(50) Address VARCHAR(50) Phone CHAR(8) Email VARCHAR(30 User_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference User table Table Name: Member Table Type: Entity Description: It contains members detail. This is a table that includes the members membership type, belong to which team and their personal information. Data Field Name Format Key Member_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Name VARCHAR(50) ID_card_number CHAR(8) Date_of_birth DATE Membership_type CHAR(1) Phone CHAR(8) Address VARCHAR(50) Email VARCHAR(30 User_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference User table. On_game_list CHAR(1) Committee_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Committee table. Team_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Team table. Table Name: Team Table Type: Entity Description: It contains teams detail. This is a table that includes the name of team, the coach of team, the captain and the vice captain of the team. Data Field Name Format Key Team_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Coach_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Coach table. Captain_Member_ID CHAR(10) Vice_Captain_Member_ID CHAR(10) Team_Name VARCHAR(50) Table Name: Position Table Type: Entity Description: It contains position name and unique identifier.. Data Field Name Format Key Position_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Position_Name VARCHAR(50) Table Name: Committee Table Type: Entity Description: It contains committee detail. This is a table that includes the information of the committee is which position of which team. Data Field Name Format Key Committee_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Team_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Team table. Position_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Position table. Table Name: Other Team Table Type: Entity Description: It contains other team detail. The other team is the team which will match with Soccer clubs team. This table includes their name and unique identifier. Data Field Name Format Key Other_team_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Name VARCHAR(50) Table Name: Training Table Type: Entity Description: It contains open training sessions detail. It includes the date, time and the trainer. Data Field Name Format Key Session_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Name VARCHAR(50) Foreign Key reference Coach table. Player_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference International Player table Session_open_day DATE Address VARCHAR(100) Time TIME Total_hour CHAR(2) Session_Fee DECIMAL Committee_ID CHAR(10) Table Name: Fixture List and Result Table Type: Entity Description: It contains the fixture list and match result detail. Data Field Name Format Key Match_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Team_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Coach table. Other_team_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference International Player table Session_open_day DATE Address VARCHAR(100) Time TIME Total_hour CHAR(2) Session_Fee DECIMAL Committee_ID CHAR(10) Table Name: International Player Table Type: Entity Description: It contains the international player (open training session coach) detail. It includes their name, salary and personal contact. Data Field Name Format Key Player_ID CHAR(10) Primary Key Name VARCHAR(50) Phone CHAR(8) Address VARCHAR(100) Email VARCHAR(50) Salary DECIMAL User_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference User table. Table Name: Training Student Table Type: Entity Description: It contains link entity of Training and Student tables. Data Field Name Format Key Training_student_ID CHAR(20) Primary Key Session_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Training table. Student_ID CHAR(10) Foreign Key reference Student table Table Name: Student Table Type: Entity Description: It contains the open training sessions student detail. This includes the ID card, name and contact of student. Data Field Name Format Key ID_card_number CHAR(8) Primary Key Name VARCHAR(50) Phone CHAR(8) Address VARCHAR(100) Email VARCHAR(50) à Task 5 Create a prototype user interface for the soccer club system including, as a minimum, the following functions: a) Adding a new member. (5 marks) b) Creating a fixture list for a team. (5 marks) c) Recording a match result. (5 marks) Task 6 You are responsible for organising the initial training of the system users and producing the User Guide for the new system. Create an outline training plan for the new system including who would be trained, how the session(s) would be organised (e.g. all together, small groups, etc.) (8 marks) This is the training plan of the Soccer club system, the objective is want the user understand more about the system, and let them user this system smoothly. We have three user groups need to training, Public, Coach and Committee are our target. The public user group we want they know how to use this system to download application form, view the fixture list and view the result of match. The coach user group we want them understand how to allocate team. And the committee user group we want them understand how to create new member, edit member detail, create fixture list, update fixture list, create match result and update match result. We will give training session to each user group and give user guide with print screens to them. And need a computer room let them use the system at the training session. For the public user group we need about 30 minutes to training. The coach user group we need about 60 minutes to training. And the committee user we need about 2 hours to training à Group User Skill Material Public Member and public Download application from View fixture list View match result Public user guide Coach Team coach Allocation team Coach user guide Committee Committee member Create new member Update member detail Create fixture list Update fixture list Create match result Update match result Committee user guide à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Create a User Guide for the system. This should not be a comprehensive system manual but a reference document that users can use as a quick guide to the tasks they need to carry out. (10 marks) Task 7 Create a comprehensive, professional standard report describing your system design for the soccer club. This should include the details of tasks 1 6 including the User Guide. Reference [1] Colin Bentley, 2002, NCC Education Managing Business Projects, second edition, Galatea Training Services Limited, Singapore [2] Mark Brown, 2002, Project Management in a week, Hodder Stoughton, UK [3] Sue Craig, Hadi Jassim, People and Project Management for IT, McGraw-Hill [4] Dinsmore, Paul C, 1993, The AMA Handbook of Project Management, New York AMACOM Books, 1993, New York [5]Lewls, James P, 1995, Fundamentals of Project Management, New York AMACOM Books, 1995, New York [6] Toby Teorey, 2008, Database design : know it all, Morgan Kaufmann [7] M. Vaziri and D. Jackson, Some shortcomings of OCL, the Object Constraint Language of UML, MIT, 1999. [8] N. V. Cuong and X. Qafmolla, Meta-model Transformation with Kermeta, in 13th International Conference OBJEKTY 2008 proceedings, p. 109-116. [9] Object Management Group, Business process modeling notation, February 2006,
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A comparison of Haydn and Beethoven Essay
Franz Josef Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven are two of the greatest classical composers in the history of music, rivaled only by the masterful Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Beethoven, who was much younger than Haydn, moved to Vienna when he was young to study under Haydn. However, due to Haydnââ¬â¢s increasing age, and Beethovenââ¬â¢s increasing temper, the lessons only lasted for a little over a year. The lessons, if only for a short period, clearly left a mark on Beethoven, as can be seen in his compositions. Make no mistake, however, Haydn and Beethoven were not carbon copies of one another. When comparing compositions of the two composers, namely Haydnââ¬â¢s symphony No. 95 in C minor and Beethovenââ¬â¢s symphony No. 5, the two composers differ in various areas, including form, theme, tonality, orchestral structure, and the overall effect their work had on the audience. The only way to truly understand the similarities of these two legendary composers is to delve into their music, comparing them movement-by-movement of the two aforementioned pieces. Only then will we truly understand what makes Haydn and Beethoven so similar, yet so different. The first movement of both pieces start out in their own special way. Haydnââ¬â¢s piece starts out loudly with a quick timpani strike accompanied by the strings, followed by an almost somber sounding melody in C-minor. The second theme of Haydnââ¬â¢s first movement is much more cheerful sounding as it is in C-major. After the exposition is finished, Haydn goes through an eventful developmental period followed by recapitulation. Beethovenââ¬â¢s first movement starts out with the infamous short-short-short-long, which is then repeated. This becomes the motive of Beethovenââ¬â¢s piece, which can found intertwined throughout the entire piece. The intertwining of this single motive creates a consistency throughout the entire symphony; making all four movements feel as one. Although Beethoven may have not intentionally tried to do this, as it was never really done before, it really gives the symphony a special sound as a whole, something that Haydnââ¬â¢s symphony no. 95 lacked. Beethovenââ¬â¢s first movement is sonata form, something that he inherited from Haydn, and starts out in C-minor, just as symphony no. 95 does. The first theme of Symphony no. 5 is made up of imitations and sequences of those first 4 bars, which give off a tense, conflicted feel. The second theme ofBeethovenââ¬â¢s first movement is much more lyrical than the first theme. Here Beethoven completely changes keys to E-flat, rather than simply switching to a major tonality like Haydn does. In the second movement, however, Haydn starts out in E-flat major. The second movement, as per usual, is a much slower piece to contrast the strong, fast, first piece. Haydn uses a series of variations in this movement to keep the audience attentive, switching between major and minor tonalities from time to time. The amount of variation in this second movement is extensive, and really adds a lot to the movement. Beethovenââ¬â¢s second movement is in A-flat major and opens with two themes being presented, which are then varied in alternations. The second theme of this movement incorporates a harmony that features the clarinets, which are present due to Beethovenââ¬â¢s expansion of the orchestra over Haydn. Other instruments that Beethoven uses that Haydn does not in these symphonies are the piccolo, contrabassoon, and trumpets. By expanding his orchestra, Beethoven is able to create a larger, more diverse sound than Haydn is able to do. Beethovenââ¬â¢s second movement includes a 3rd theme that has thirty-second notes played by the strings with a counter phrase being played in the winds simultaneously, and the movement ends loudly in fortissimo, with many crescendos. Although these two composers first movements were somewhat similar in form and style, it is clear in the second movement that were starting to see the similarities morph into differences between the two composers, which continues into the third movement. Haydnââ¬â¢s third movement follows the prototypical minuet, trio, minuet form. However, this is a stylized dance piece, rather than an actual dance piece due to Haydn throwing in little twists that would throw off any attempted ballroom dance. The minuet returns to the original tonality of C-minor, while the trio switches to C-major. The trio form consists completely of even eighth notes played by a solo cello, which Haydn included to satisfy his audience in London. Beethoven does something very different in his third movement, as he forgoes the typical minuet-trio-minuet form for the scherzo-trio-scherzo form. Scherzo, which translates to ââ¬Å"jokeâ⬠in Italian, is derived from the minuet. The main difference is that scherzo form is played much more playfully and somewhat humorously, like a joke. Beethoven, like Haydn, returns to the starting tonality of C-minor for this movement. At the end, the short-short-short-long motive from the beginning of the symphony returns, and begins to take over the piece as it moves directly into the fourth movement without any hesitation. The fourth movements of these two symphonies also differ in form, as Haydn chooses to go with a rondo form while Beethoven chooses a variation of the sonata form. Haydnââ¬â¢s rondo form allows the music to transition beautifully into the finale. Haydnââ¬â¢s finale consists of loud, furious music including brass fanfares that is starkly different than a normal classical finale. Beethovenââ¬â¢s fourth movement is a fast, unusual sonata that begins immediately following the third movement. His finale is played in C-major, and consists of 29 bars of chords played in fortissimo. These chords allow Beethoven to conclude the symphony by ending the tension that has been furiously building throughout the entire piece. Beethovenââ¬â¢s incredible finale, as with Haydnââ¬â¢s, are perfect endings to these two monumental symphonies that surely leave a lasting effect on their respective audiences. As can be seen throughout Haydnââ¬â¢s symphony no. 95 and Beethovenââ¬â¢s symphony no. 5, the two composers were very similar, yet very different from one another. Beethoven uses a lot of what he learned from his time with Haydn, but is able to expand on those ideals and create something of his own being. His ideals, however, are soundly built off of the foundations that Haydn paved for him, which is a benefit from being the student rather than the teacher. Even through all of the differences in the two symphonies, such as Beethovenââ¬â¢s expansion of his orchestra or Haydnââ¬â¢s refusal to stray form minuet form in the third movement, these two composers share one main thing in common, and that is their ability to create beautiful pieces of art that wonââ¬â¢t be soon forgotten in the minds, and the hearts, of their listeners.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Columbus vs Smith
John Smith, and William Bradford had many stories to tell during their explorations of the new world. Their depictions of the new world were seemingly different and each explorer possessed an ego that worked both as a strength and as a weakness to their determination of exploration. Each explorer seemed to use hyperbole and embellishment to glorify their own accomplishments. Columbus' letters emotionally differ from the first to the fourth letter in almost a usually depressing manner.His first letter shows an explorer filled with an emotional high seeking to gain riches and fame, describing each illustrious detail of his experience as elaborate as possible. Words that seem to sell the newly discovered lands in such a depiction that would make his fame and rewards seem inevitable. This description is far different than his last letter which his words show an aged explorer seeking to save his reputation and seeking to Just ride away in the unset and live peacefully for the remainder of his life.It seems that he is taking a polite path in which to illustrate to the Monarchs the sacrifices that were made and the lives lost to achieve the goals of seeking the new world. William Bradford writings illustrated a separatist group of great faith and determination to seek new land free from religious persecution. It is apparent that his writings show the strength of the pilgrims' faith thru despair and perils.He seems to have an underlying motive that speaks of strong faith amongst his fellow pilgrims that depicts a picture of their key to survival, a sentiment that would have flown in the face of the Church of England. Based on John Smith's writings, he had somewhat of a different Interpretation and description of his new found experiences. The words he chose to describe the new world seemed to be as Illustrious as the others except when describing Native Americans. His writings of his exploration experiences seemed to have a motive of power and monetary gain.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
America Needs More Gun Control Essay - 1372 Words
The American people are sick and fed up with what assault weapons have done. The American people have come to realize what these weapons are doing on our streets. They are saying, enough, is enough, is enough. (Gibbs, 1993) Many Americans believe that gun control should be improved and the regulations made more stringent. However, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has a most formidable lobby, and lobbing campaign, which up until this time, has presented past Presidents from initiation gun control laws. There appears to be an almost grass roots movement to stifle efforts which attempt to establish more effective gun control laws. To a large extent, it is our Constitution which gives us the right to bear arms, andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦According to New York Congressman Major Owens: We cannot expect to rein-in the costs of our health care system if emergency rooms are overflowing with victims of gun violence. While the 500 plus members of the Clinton health care task for ce considered everything from defining who is a part-time worker to estimating the number of jobs lost because of reform, little attention was paid to violence. That may soon change. Dr. David Satcher, Clintons newly appointed director who is a part-time worker to estimating the number of jobs lost because of reform, little attention was paid to violence. (Thompson, 1993) Indeed, there are extremely high, as well as escalating costs relating to victims of gunfire. Many of these are attributed to domestic violence, and far too many are related to accidents. Members of the family cause many of these accidents, particularly children, who fool around with the house-gun, and as result murder someone else, themselves, or commit serious injuries. A strong argument can and is made for further controls on the prevailing sales of guns. There are some miscellaneous facts and statistics regarding guns and gun control, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, the percentage of violent crimes Committed with a fire arm dropped in 1994 - - the same year that the Brady Law went into effect. This decline ended the steady increase in gun violence from 1985 to 1993. TheShow MoreRelatedAmerica Needs More Gun Control1881 Words à |à 8 Pagesmoney.â⬠She pulled out her gun from her back pocket and shot him in the toe. She didnââ¬â¢t kill him, but she prevented herself from getting killed. That gun saved her life and my life. You never know when something bad might happen. It could come out at any time, any day, anywhere. If my aunt hadnââ¬â¢t been allowed to carry that gun, we both might not be alive today. Even though some people believe America needs more gun control, this country needs less gun control because people need a way to protect themselvesRead MoreEssay America Needs More Gun Control1409 Words à |à 6 PagesConstitution to the United States really mean? Does every citizen have the right to own a gun? Should there be limitations on who can possess a gun ? Gun right advocates believe they have the right to possess a gun without restrictions. Gun Control advocates on the other hand support more limitations on the accessibility of guns and also want to ban certain types of guns. They argue that the more guns there are the more crime there will be. Is either one of these arguments justified? Which party is rightRead MoreAmerica Needs More Guns: Say No to Gun Control Essay2237 Words à |à 9 PagesGuns do not kill people, people do. The American Dream is being able to work towards and achieve whatever makes you happy, whether it be owning your own business, joining the military, or staying at home raising a family, but the only way to reach your dream is to do it without living in fear that your dream will be taken away. In the last couple years mass shootings and attacks on schools have sadly become a common tragedy. Those who have been victims of public shootings or any other life scarringRead More America Needs More Gun Control La ws Essay2848 Words à |à 12 Pagesbe correct about Americans having more rights than many other countries, but sometimes the government has too much trust in the American people. Taking away all privately owned guns is not the answer, because doing so would consequentially create a communist state. Instead, the best solution is to control who buys guns and for what purpose. There are over 283 million licensed guns in the U.S. (Herbert p1), which does not include the unregistered and illegal guns people own, buy, and sell from theRead MoreEssay about America Needs More Gun Control Laws1397 Words à |à 6 Pagesacross the United States. Nevertheless, in todayââ¬â¢s society, gun violence is sparking debate and controversy on how to control gun violence. Throughout the country, thousands of laws and regulations have been created to aid in the control of guns. Through much study, the gun laws and regulations in place have very little effect on the number of gun related injuries and deaths. More needs to be done to establish an effective way to control gun violence. Potential Solutions Shootings in the United StatesRead MoreStricter Gun Laws in America829 Words à |à 4 PagesSTRICTER GUN LAWS IN AMERICA ââ¬Æ' America needs stricter measures on gun usage because other countries have clearly shown that it is possible to have a much lower percentage of gun-related violence. The obvious changes that America needs to improve on are stricter gun-control laws, and a system of education before people are allowed to own guns. Guns were used in 11,078 homicides in the U.S. in 2010, comprising almost 35% of all gun deaths, and over 68% of all homicides (Statistics onRead MoreGun Control Laws On America1369 Words à |à 6 Pages Many activist think that they could control the gun violence in America, just by taking away weapons from the people and making new laws. What they donââ¬â¢t know is that there are many loopholes in the laws that they make so peoples find ways to get guns. We already have gun control laws from back then. the government just passed more laws instead of enforcing the laws that we already. â⬠The activists pass more and more laws thinking that the more laws we have the better they would be enforced.â⬠(Drake)Read MoreNegative Effects Of Gun Control954 Words à |à 4 PagesNegative Effects of Gun Control The recent terrorist situations in America could have turned out differently if the victims had been armed. There have been too many terrorist situations lately in America. Many people who are not in favor of gun rights want to make it more difficult or even impossible for citizens to purchase weapons. When stricter gun control is enforced, then citizens may not be able to protect themselves. We need to find a way to prevent gun related tragedies, but that doesRead MoreGun Control Laws Should Be Legal Essay1345 Words à |à 6 PagesGun control has been a hot topic in your society recreantly everyone has a different view on gun control. There are two sides to the argument people that are for gun control and people that are against gun control. The media talks about the two biggest factors the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment the right to bear arms. But the most important question is whether gun-control laws actually reduce gun crimes or murder rates in general. Most people believe that having a fewer numberRead MoreThe Second Amendment vs Gun Control Essay1520 Words à |à 7 Pagescould save one child, but many people find this statement to be ridiculous. Gun control is thought of as a government policy or regulations to control or limit the sale and use of firearms. In the U.S. constitution, the 2nd Amendment states that a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Inside America today, gun control is a major issue, especially in the political arena. People debate on the daily
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